Welcome to WoodyChords!

Welcome to WoodyChords!


This is a repository of all my Woody Guthrie guitar tabs.  This site was inspired by, and to a large extent the design is based on, the excellent DylanChords.com (currently down, thanks to threats of legal action, see the unoffical mirror at dylanchords.info).  It'd be nice to think that one day this site could become the foremost collection of Woody Guthrie tabs, much as DylanChords is for Bob Dylan tabs, although I highly doubt it as I have neither the dedication or skill that the creator of that website has! 


Ever since I discovered Woody Guthrie (I was researching the influences of Bob Dylan at the time!) I have been playing his songs.  I love their simplicity and message, and the general ethos of Woody's music, much as I love early acoustic Bob.  As most people tend to do, I would hear a song I like and search for guitar tabs or chords on google.  The problem with that is you usually come across the big tab sites like ultimate-guitar.com or 911tabs.com.  Now, aside from personal grievances that I have with such sites (both have stolen my tabs in the past), I admit that they have their place.  But unfortunately most of the tabs they list for WG's music are incomplete and largely inaccurate.  They are also faceless!  Unlike such a beautifully organized and cared for  site such as dylanchords.com (did I mention how much I really do like that site??!) the big tab sites are organized and updated by computer algorithms.  I think if Bob deserves such a website then so does Woody.


Well, at the moment, just me.  But I'm hoping that if this site gains any kind of popularity that I can start including tabs that have been submitted.  I don't have the time or patience to tab out every song (probably) so it'd be good to get some help!  Corrections/suggestions/words of encouragement are also likely to spur me on to doing more tabs, so if you like what you've found write some feedback.
1 Response
  1. Maddie Says:

    Hi, Nice post thanks for sharing. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.


    maddie0147 at gmail.com

You're welcome to post! especially corrections or comments of encouragement.